SENA was born during the rule of the Military Junta, after the resignation of General Gustavo Rojas Pinilla, by Decree-Law 118 of June 21, 1957. Its function was to provide professional training and formation to workers, youths and adults within the areas of industry, trade, agriculture, mining and cattle breeding. Its creator was Rodolfo Martinez Tone.
In like manner, it always sought to provide technical training to employees, complementary training for adults, and help employers and workers to establish a national learning system.
The Agency has a tripartite structure in which workers, employers and Government were to participate, called National Training Service (SENA), which is preserved today and which, many years in the future, seeks to continue conquering new markets, provide companies and corporations with skilled manpower using modern methods, and thereby achieve a shift in each of the productivity processes.
SENA is responsible for fulfilling the function that corresponds to the State, of investing in the social and technical development of the Colombian workers by offering and implementing a comprehensive professional training for the incorporation and development of people in productive activities that contribute to the country’s social, economic and technological development .
In 2020, SENA will be a world-class institution in matters of comprehensive professional training, and the use and appropriation of technology and innovation to the service of individuals and businesses. It will have been instrumental towards increasing the competitiveness of Colombia through:
Relevant contributions to the productivity of the companies
Contribution to the effective generation of jobs and alleviation of poverty
Contribution of innovative workforce to companies and regions
Comprehensiveness of its graduates and their dedication to service
International quality and standards of their comprehensive professional training
Incorporation of the latest technologies in enterprises and the comprehensive professional training
Close relationship with the (secondary and higher) education sector
Excellence in managing its resources (human, physical, technological and financial)